The course is 7 modules - With each module broken down into bite size lessons (3-15 mins long) that teach you everything you need on how to set effective empathic limits and handle your child's explosive emotions.

The workbook includes various exercises, journaling prompts & infographics as well as printable content that you can hang on the fridge: mantras, booklists, checklists and respectful language reminders.

You will be invited to join Respectful Mom's Private Facebook group where you get to engage with an incredible community of like-minded parents and will receive extra support your respectful parenting journey.
"This course is parenting gold. Best parenting resource out there!" - Nicole Rubbi-Clark
What students are saying:
Every parent deserves to have the skill and mindset to gracefully RIDIE the waves of challenging scenarios, instead of being worn out and drained by the ups and downs of daily life with kids

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You’ve found the space in which I share about all things to do with this life-changing magic called Respectful Parenting. I am a mom of two, live in the tropical Bali, and for the past 4 years have travelled the world hosting over 250 parenting workshops. My mission is to give parents the tools to handle all the challenges that come with parenting with confidence and ease.